Ideas to Revive & Revitalize Prayer Meetings

1. Pray out Loud

The Early Church raised their voices together in prayer. Even if it feels uncomfortable, challenge your group to pray out loud together, at the same time.

2. Have Structure

Start off with a time of verbally praising God on prayer. After that, have a list of things to pray for as a congregation like those who need physical healing, and have a list an available so people aren’t having to rely on memory. Have a leader announce what the subject of the prayers will be and then encourage everyone to pray at once. This can be done quietly, as a couple or family, individually. Sitting, kneeling standing, or slowly walking around. The leader should keep an eye on the time so the sections don’t run over and important prayer concerns get skipped.

Then move to another category such as praying for the children and youth of the church, or praying for the lost and asking for opportunities to share our faith. Make sire to include prayer time for government leaders and time for praying for the leadership of your congregation.

Wrap things up with a prayer of thanks and a short time of quiet and listening.

3. Be Flexible

This certainly does not have to always be done at your building. It can be done in groups at people’s homes as well.

But know this – the spiritual health of any congregation will never rise above the level of prayer and personal time in the Word. So I encourage you to make both a priority.